Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry (belated) Christmas!

I just had to have a photo of me nursing "Santa!"

As usual, Christmas has come and gone far too quickly. Every year it seems as though the blessed holiday has more hype than the year before and is still over in the blink of an eye. This was my first Christmas as a mommy! Even though Bryce is only 6 months old it was much more fun this year. Everything is more fun, and at times more difficult, with a little one around. Bryce is a constant source of entertainment, energy and excitement. (Who also leaves me exhausted each evening.)

Where was I? Oh, Christmas! I am so much looking forward to creating new traditions and Christmas celebrations with our little family. So many holiday memories are built around traditions! Next year at this time Bryce will be 18 months old and will undoubtedly have an entirely different perspective of Christmas. He will be interested in unwrapping gifts, and will be even more interested in pulling ornaments off of the tree. My hope for future Christmases is that Bryce will learn the true importance of the holiday- the birth of his Savior! From a very early age, I want Bryce to learn the story of Jesus' birth, death and resurection. Gifts are nice to give and recieve, but they are only temporary. As cliche as it may sound- albeit true... The best gift of all is Jesus! His love and sacrifice will last for all of eternity!

Merry (belated) Christmas! May you and yours enjoy creating new traditions together!

Brett with our little "Santa Baby."

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