Saturday, December 29, 2007

To work or not to work... that is the question

Two weeks before Bryce was born I lost my job. It was a very unfortunate turn of events, of which I don't mind sharing, but I'd rather not post online. (At least not at this time.) Losing my job truly was a blessing in disguise! For nearly seven months I have had the awesome privilege of staying home full-time to raise Bryce. And although we have our moments from time to time, I have loved almost every minute of it!

After several months of writing cover letters, editing my resume, filling out applications and going for interviews it seems as though I may have found a job. Not just any job, but a position with a company world renown for its excellence in the health care field. This coming Wednesday I will meet one of the VPs and should know for certain late next week. While nothing is set in stone yet, things sound promising. The position would offer me room to grow and move throughout the company. Good salary and great benefits...

Unfortunately, accepting a full-time job would also mean that I would leave Bryce with someone else for about 45 hours every week. yikes! Just thinking about that makes me nauseous! I mean let's be honest... no one and I mean no one is as good as Mom. And while I know that there are plenty of people fully capable of providing my child with the attention and daily interaction necessary to develop, I also know that I have been his source of EVERYTHING for seven months! Not to mention, nine months spent in my womb! I am so afraid of losing the wonderful bond that we have worked so hard to create with one another. Bryce is a mama's boy, and I don't want it any other way.

He needs me and maybe more than that... I need him! Perhaps the transition will be easier on Bryce than I think. Although, I am fairly certain that the transition will be even harder for me than I imagine. Only time will tell...

As a firm believer that if something is meant to be it will work out, all I can do is pray that the Lord will give me strength to make the right decision should an opportunity become available.

Follow-up to come...

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