Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Goals for 2010

As the hoopla of the new year has subsided, many people have made their "mandatory" resolutions once again. I figure now, nearly two weeks into the new calendar year, is a good time to post my goals for 2010.
  1. Spend more time with family and friends (half way there... as I'll post on more in the future)
  2. Pray daily with Brett
  3. Teach B his colors
  4. Breastfeed L for one year plus
  5. Learn how to sew on my new sewing machine (Thank you Brett!)
  6. Sew this and this
  7. Be less serious and more light-hearted
  8. Be content where God has me right now
  9. Get back into the blogging groove (3+/week)

I'll add to my goal list as the year goes on and refer back to it as goals are reached. Really looking forward to 2010! And all that life has in store!

I'll be back... soon.

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