Thursday, May 6, 2010

It's the little things...


Today's highlights...

Getting the kids up and ready for the day.
Treating myself to an iced-mocha-something-er-another... delish and only 100 calories!
Getting a mid-day sneak-peek of L at the sitter's. Had to make an emergency stop on my lunch hour because the sitter was totally out of milk! Oops!
Working virtually-- all day!
Singing ALL the way home from the sitter's.
Nursing L to sleep. So sweet and so special- time for just us!
Bedtime... essential to harmony, peace, joy and happiness.

So glad the weekend is near. Plans include getting L's 6-month photos taken. However, I'm definitely behind since I have yet to mail out her 3-month photos! Also looking forward to a stellar performance by the preschool and school-aged munchkins at church, followed by Mother's Day lunch out. :-)

Hope you have a lovely weekend and a very happy Mama's Day!
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